Disclaimer: This blog is kind of a catch-all
My most wonderful husband turned 26 on Tuesday September 15th. Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family. Both my brother and I get very excited during the time of year when people start mentioning presents and especially a day all about us. For anyone who has been around me about a month before my birthday knows this about me. And I have always been pained by Nathan's lack of exuberance for his birthday. To him, it is just another day! WHAT???? Did I just hear that correctly??? Yes.... just another day!!!
This year I asked him if he could eat anywhere in the world where would he want to eat. His response.... Texas Roadhouse. A usual stop for us when it comes to going out so I was a little disappointed that it wasn't that special. But we were joined by good friends and family.

We have also been extremely busy this month with horse shows. September 10 - 13 we were in South Jordan, Utah for the Affiliate Finals and Derby. This last Wednesday through Friday Nathan went back down to Ogden for the Heritage Derby. And Wednesday we are going back down to South Jordan, Utah for the Arabian Autumn Classic. Then the following Monday I am leaving for the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Finals. I am going down to help out Annie Reynolds, Nate's old boss, with her sale horses. Whew, what a month. It has been slightly overwhelming but we are managing.

Also, as I was downloading the pictures from Nathan's birthday I found these pictures from a while ago. My dad is a huge golfer and he gave Nathan and I his old set of clubs. We have gone to the driving range and find it a nice way to spend the afternoon away from the horses. One visit we had to Sacramento we went to the driving range with my dad and these are some of the pictures from our time. We both play pretty well for two people who have no idea what they are doing.