Sunday, November 25, 2012

San Francisco 49ers

Growing up in Sacramento in the 90's you couldn't help but  root for the San Francisco 49ers with Steve Young and Jerry Rice.  They were good and it was fun.  However, I also grew up a New England Patriots fan.  My dad is from Chatham, MA and he taught my brother and I how to be a Patriots, Red Sox and Celtics fan.  

Fast forward a number of years and insert Nathan, a die hard Niners fan.  In the past few years the Niners have finally become relevant again and Nathan couldn't be happier.  On a whim I bought my super cute husband two tickets to the San Francisco 49ers v. Chicago Bears Monday Night Football game in San Francisco.  Nathan had never been to a NFL game and he was pretty excited for it.  Saturday we drove down to Sacramento, spent Sunday in San Fran with my family and went to the game Monday Night.  We were blown away by the number of tailgaters and how good our seats were.  We were 10 rows back from the corner end zone, close enough to see the faces of the players.  We also had the chance to see Jerry Rice who was there promoting a kids foundation and Steve Young who was doing the broadcast for Monday Night Football.

Nathan with Steve Young's jersey

All their Vince Lombardi Trophies

We ended up parking in the back parking lot, in the back of that parking lot, and in the very back corner of the back parking lot.  Needless to say when the game was over we knew we weren't going anywhere for a long time.  We walked over the other side of the field and watched Steve Young,  conduct an interview with Colin Kaepernick.  Speaking of, Kaepernick played an awesome game for his first NFL game as a starting quarterback.  The Niners killed the Bears and we can't wait until we can go again. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

SRRA Reining Clinic

On Saturday the Snake River Reining Alliance held a clinic featuring Nathan and Joe Sutherland from American Falls, Idaho. There was a great turnout with 20 riders and a number of just spectators. It was an all day event with a delicious lunch sponsored by the IRCHA Board of Directors. Thank you to all of those who came out and supported the club. We had a great time and are really looking forward to show season.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

We have just returned and are recouping from the big Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show in Arizona. It is one of our favorite shows because it always guarantees great weather, clients and tons of fun. This year was particularly wonderful on the weather front usually in the mid 70's. I think I could do mid 70's everyday of my life. We took down 5 horses total and the results are:

Nicole Kent and Nobles Top Gun
Champion Reined Cow Horse Limited ATR
Top Ten Arabian Reining AAOTR 18-44

Nathan Kent and Nobles Top Gun
Top Ten Arabian Reining Horse Open

Nathan Kent and Hazel De Boise
Purebred Futurity Finalist, 9th

Nathan Kent and Noble Troubadour

Nathan Kent and Mary Gangster

Holly Brown making her Scottsdale debut on her horse Noble Troubadour

Holly sporting the new Nathan Kent Performance Horses jacket

The Nathan Kent Performance Horses stall front. The only thing this picture is missing is all of our ribbons and prizes.

This horse holds such a special part in our lives. He works hard and was enjoying a little R&R.

I also had the opportunity to show and sell Chromer while down there. I showed him in the HA Sport Horse In Hand ATR Geldings. It was our first time ever really doing that and he won the class and ended up tied for Champion. But however they do the tie breaker we ended up Reserve. And Congratulations to Kathryn Cook of Hudson, WI on your purchase of my very special big boy. I know you are going to love him to death and do very well with him.

Thank you to everyone who makes these shows possible. It was an awesome time and a great way to kick off the start of show season. We can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings.