Friday, October 9, 2009

Business as Usual

I would love to write a post about all the wonderful activities we are doing as a couple. Going to the Zoo, throwing a BBQ, going for a joy ride; but we just don't have anytime for that. Last week I spent the entire week in Reno at the Snaffle Bit Futurity working and helping out Annie Reynolds, Nate's old boss. It is the largest show in the NRCHA and even though I was working it was a blast to be there and be apart of the behind the scenes action. There were some of the best horses and trainers in the industry there. Nathan came on Friday and spent the weekend in Reno with me.

Now that we are home it is business as usual with Nathan riding horses everyday and me building my business and riding my horse. I have often thought about other things that couples do together and honestly when we have time to do them we are so exhausted from the week that we both feel like keeping things low key. Our work day doesn't go from 8-5 it's usually 8-8 and sometimes on the weekends when people stop by or when things need to be done. Don't get me wrong, nobody chooses this lifestyle by accident because there isn't any other occupation. It is a lifestyle that we were both born into. We do it because we love it, it's like a drug. I feel so blessed to get to live my dream everyday and to be surrounded by the most beautiful animals. A lot of times I take this lifestyle for granted but the reason for this post is to write my gratitude for the life I live.